Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Freedom Is Fleeting

Because life is just a series of precious little moments, scattered randomly thoughout your days...
Because no matter how much you assure yourself that you will never forget that moment...
Because Monkeygirl just turned 9 and as her brother does things I try desperately to remember that moment with her...
Because I mostly fail at remembering the exact moment...

This morning Crazyman sat on my bed, gripping the remote tightly in his hot, little, chubby hand. Backyardigans had just come to a completion. He was sweetly, yet tunelessly, singing them out when his index digit discovered the channel button. Up and down he cruised the channels as I worked feverishly on my hair.

To no avail. Flat by noon.

Ahem - through the channels he continued to cruise until I walked over to stop him. Right as I approached the edge of the bed, I realized he had stopped and was clapping and laughing like a loon.

Common occurrance, really.

But he sat enthralled and then engaged and then participatively (?). Jason and I both looked at each other as the retro, memory inducing strains of Sesame Street came flooding into our room. Crazyman looked at us like fellow junkies that had been holding out on the one thing that could fix his jones for merriment.

It should be said that both Jason and I drove to work singing a seemingly random song about writing your name the entire way.

Damn you Sesame Street - damn you.

Just when I thought I was out, they dragged me back in.


Pam said...

Thanks- now I am singing "Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?" Ashlyn was a huge Elmo fan, but Riley doesn't seem as interested. Of course, it could be because his sister controls the tv and he doesn't even know that Sesame Street is a show. Huh....I'll have to try it out on him!

MarĂ­a said...

Do you remember 1 2 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 10 - 111 TWELVE?

I loved that song.

Robyn said...

Thankfully, Sesame Street is one of the ONLY shows Bear doesn't like to watch. If I hear one more Barney song, however, I'm going to tear my hair out!!

I know what you mean about forgetting stuff, Bear is only 22 months, and his infancy is already a distant memory. I should've started blogging sooner...!

Captain Steve said...

I never watched Sesame Street during my formative years. I did watch a lot of Three Stooges and Tom and Jerry, which could account for my insane laughter when people get slightly injured. Or that could be a family trait.