Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What's For Lunch?

Jason and I just spent the last 45 minutes deciding where to go for lunch.


This is why it took us almost 10 years to decide we should actually date.


Allie said...

Sounds like Luis and I, sometimes we just get in the car and drive to force us to make a decision.

Kat said...

Oh, this is a conversation we have every frigging day around here except it's around dinner. Every day at work, I think to myself, "I wonder if just this one day he can come up with dinner and HANDLE IT without any input from me?". And every afternoon he's all "What do you want for dinner?", and I feel like killing him because some days I don't want to think about dinner, I just want it handled before I get home from work.

Fat chance, apparently.

So what'd you have for lunch???

Kat said...

Oh, this is a conversation we have every frigging day around here except it's around dinner. Every day at work, I think to myself, "I wonder if just this one day he can come up with dinner and HANDLE IT without any input from me?". And every afternoon he's all "What do you want for dinner?", and I feel like killing him because some days I don't want to think about dinner, I just want it handled before I get home from work.

Fat chance, apparently.

So what'd you have for lunch???

Kat said...

Ooops, sorry for the double post!

Tricia said...

The worst is with my family. My sister will say, "Oh I don't know what do you want." Then my mom says it. Then I do. Then we are back to my sister. It drives me insane. One would think I would break the pattern. But no.